about us

Tauree Kohl | Director

Tauree is passionate about all things numerical – driving revenue, reducing expenses and providing crystal clear financial analysis for businesses. Tauree’s love affair with numbers started simply enough with a fascination for sums as a child, but has grown to a deep appreciation of the value of a dollar and the hard work required to earn – and successfully manage – money. It is this respect for the value of money that underpins the work she does with business owners across all sectors.

Tauree’s credentials started with a Bachelor of Business in Accounting, resulting in both academic and real-life qualifications, kick-starting her career in the fast paced, high-flying music industry. The intensity of this environment – driven by personalities – accelerated her understanding of financial management and taxation consultancy, and honed Tauree’s ability to manage and work with people from all walks of life with contrasting needs. To this day, her work with business owners and entrepreneurs benefits from this grounding.

Since her early days in the entertainment industry, Tauree’s experience has spanned a number of industries with particular emphasis on professional services, IT and retail. Working as a CFO in a range of organisations, she has developed valuable financial modelling, analysis and strategic management skills.

In the years Classy Numbers has been established, the company has evolved into a boutique accounting firm that is robust, flexible and provides exceptional hands-on value for all client needs. Having built trusting and enduring relationships with all clients over the years – Tauree’s clients are not only business partners, but friends. 

Tauree continues evolving an abundant menu of services to offer to clients, ensuring she caters to every unique financial model, service-level and business timeline requirements.

Fallon Hewitt | Accounts Assistant

Fallon joins Classy Numbers with the love of assisting clients in the back end of the office. Data entry, administration and some bookkeeping duties keeps Fallon busy as she strives to provide clerical support to ensure that the operations of the business runs smoothly.

Fallon also works behind the scenes on the social media platforms for Classy Numbers and enjoys sharing information that can and assist all small business owners and team members.

As a lover of education, Fallon finished her Accounting and Bookkeeping Certificate while working in Finance and Marketing. Fallon is known for her ability to get in and get the work done, she loves nothing more than to see businesses thrive and grow with her assistance.